Here's another free webinar for people who are interested in the world of pharmaceutical marketing and who also have an interest in mobile technology (smartphones, PDAs, etc.)
Mobile Marketing to Doctors: How to Make a Meaningful Connection
As the world moves into a digital environment--so are physicians. HCPs (health care professionals) are typically among the first to adopt new technology as it applies to their profession, including the use of mobile. While drug reference is the most widely used application, medical calculators, decision-support tools and medical alerts allow HCPs to work more efficiently at the point of care.Click here for more information and to register for this event.
With the overwhelming majority of physicians carrying PDAs and Smartphones, mobile marketing has become a critical channel for communicating with HCPs. Proper implementation of a strategy featuring mobile applications can go a long way in helping pharmaceutical marketers build and maintain successful relationships with physicians.
Join us to learn how physicians respond to mobile marketing including what information they use and how it affects prescribing behavior as a result. Get three unique perspectives on mobile marketing from the vantage point of a mobile technology innovator, a pharmaceutical marketing expert and a physician.
Featured speakersModerator
- Jason Bhan, Practicing MD, Professor of Medicine, Co-Founder, Ozmosis, Inc
- Sanjay Pingle, President, Physicians Interactive
- Sandeep Shah, President and CEO, Skyscape, Inc
Sponsored by Physicians Interactive (which recently acquired Skyscape)
- James Chase, Editor-in-Chief, Medical Marketing and Media
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