Friday, February 3, 2012

Healthcare Executive Career Management in a Web 2.0 Era

Here's an upcoming webinar that may be of interest:

Healthcare Executive Career Management in a Web 2.0 Era

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM (Central Time)

American College of Healthcare Executives Panel Discussion on, "Healthcare Executive Career Management in a Web 2.0 Era." Healthcare Executive Panelist from Central Illinois ACHE Education Committee and B.E. Smith.

Cheryl Burbach, JD, Partner at Hovey Williams LLP
Cody Burch, MBA / ACC, Director of Candidate Generation at B.E. Smith
Jamie Oakes, BBA, Vice President of B.E. Smith
Christine Ricci, MBA., VP of Marketing Strategy, PR and Alliances at B.E. Smith
Greg Wahlstrom, MBA / HCM, ACHE Education Committee

The growth of social networking Web sites has been rapid both in their extent of use and in their transformation from informal socializing into media integral to career management. However, healthcare executives must understand that employing social networking media offers advantages and disadvantages.

This program examines the current and emerging employment market for healthcare executives from the organization’s and the job seeker’s viewpoints. The session will also explore how Web 2.0 social networking strategies, tactics and tools offer career management opportunities and challenges.

Join Central Illinois American College of Healthcare Executives and B.E. Smith speakers: Cheryl Burbach, Cody Burch, Jamie Oakes, Christine Ricci, and Greg Wahlstrom for this 90-minute Webcast, including Q&A, to get alignment strategies to thrive in an increasingly integrated industry.

With this webcast, you will gain insight and tactics to:

· Review the function of Web 2.0 social networking and its implications for hiring authorities and job seekers.
· Recap the local healthcare executive employment market and the tool, tactics, and strategies that organizations are using to attract top talent.
· Identify the technical elements of using Web 2.0 tools for a job search
· Identify the technical elements of using social media to find candidates
· Address the future of employee recruitment as Web 2.0 tools become more widespread

As an independent chartered Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives Central Illinois Chapter of ACHE is authorized to award 1.5 hour of Category II continuing education credit toward advancement or recertification in the American College of Healthcare Executives.

Participants in this program who wish to have it considered for Category II (non-ACHE) credit should list their attendance when they apply to the American College of Healthcare Executives for advancement or recertification.

Learn more here.

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