Executive Vice President, Clinical Health Policy, Chief Medical Officer for WellPoint, Inc
Dr. Samuel Nussbaum is Executive Vice President, Clinical Health Policy, Chief Medical Officer for WellPoint, Inc., and Interim President of WellPoint’s Comprehensive Health Solutions Business Unit.
Within Clinical Health Policy, Nussbaum oversees corporate medical policy, clinical pharmacy programs, and public health policy. He also has responsibility for HealthCore, WellPoint’s clinical outcomes research subsidiary. As the leader of Comprehensive Health Solutions, which includes WellPoint’s provider relations, care and disease management, imaging management, personal health guidance companies, and WellPoint’s pharmacy solutions group, Nussbaum is responsible for focusing on the issues of medical cost, quality of care and enhancing member value through innovative health solutions.
Dr. Nussbaum has served as president of the Disease Management Association of America, Chairman of the National Committee for Quality Health Care, as Chair of America's Health Insurance Plan's (AHIP) Chief Medical Officer Leadership Council and as a member of the AHIP Board, and currently serves on the National Quality Forum (NQF) Board and on the Secretary of Health and Human Services Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health, and Society. He received the 2004 Physician Executive Award of Excellence from the AmericanCollegeof Physician Executives and Modern Physician magazine. Dr. Nussbaum is professor of clinical medicine at Washington University School of Medicine and serves as adjunct professor at the Olin School of Business, Washington University. He has also served as executive vice president, Medical Affairs and System Integration, of the BJC Health Care, where he led integrated clinical services across the health system and served as President of its medical group.
Dr. Nussbaum earned his medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine, trained in internal medicine at StanfordUniversityMedicalCenterand Massachusetts GeneralHospitaland in endocrinology and metabolism at Harvard and Massachusetts GeneralHospital, where he directed the Endocrine Clinical Group. Dr. Nussbaum served as a professor at HarvardMedicalSchool, where his clinical and basic research has led to new therapies to treat skeletal disorders and new technologies to measure hormones in blood.
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