Friday, November 5, 2010

Thanks for showing your support of

I want to thank all of you for showing your support of This website couldn't exist if you didn't spend time reading various articles on this website. I also want to thank all of you who have joined the Society of Physicians with Non-Clinical Careers. We now have 1,800+ members in that group and we continue to grow each month! I think we'll reach over 2,000 members in the first part of 2011.

I also want to thank the 800+ fans who "Like" on Facebook. If you're on Facebook and you haven't taken the opportunity to "Like", then you can do that right now by clicking on this link and then clicking on the "Like" button. Let's reach over 1,000 fans on Facebook in the early part of 2011.

As a reminder: this website can't exist unless you visit it on a regular basis. Share this website with others. Let them know that this resource is freely available. Join the Society of Physicians with Non-Clinical Careers.


  1. thank YOU dr. kim for keeping up this and your 3 other interesting sites! i love reading all of your blogs :)

  2. Awesome post!
    I like to read all of your blog posting. It's really helpful for me. Thanks a lot for sharing.
