Thursday, May 27, 2010

Career Counseling Articles from the American College of Physicians

The American College of Physicians (ACP) has a section on their website called, "Career Counseling." It's designed primarily for residents, but I've found the articles to be helpful for students and practicing physicians. There are some of the topics that are covered:

* Training, Certification and Licensing
* Practice and Career Options
* Searching for the Right Career Opportunity
* Marketing Yourself
* The Contract, Compensation and Malpractice Insurance
* Personal Finances
* Setting Up the Practice

I think there's room for an article on non-clinical career options for those who don't feel that clinical medicine is the right option.  Such individuals may be looking for information about alternative physician careers. I don't think they'll find much on the ACP website about that. In fact, I don't think any medical student or resident will find much information about non-clinical career options on any medical specialty society website. They probably won't find anything on the AMA website either (unless they happen to stumble on this article).

If you know any medical students, residents, or physicians who are seriously considering a career outside of traditional clinical medicine, please refer them to so that they can gain some insights about alternative career options that might be appropriate for them. 

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