As a husband, a father, a full-time employee, and a blogger, I continue to struggle with work/life balance issues. Some may suggest that I drop the blogging. Believe me, I've considered it. However, I was also that resident who did some extra moonlighting shifts to bring in some extra cash for the family so that we could go on a nicer vacation that year. So, like many other people out there, my tendency is to work too much and I recognize this.
I admit that there are times when my work/family life balance feels like it needs to get recalibrated. This fall and winter, I plan to spend more time with my family and less time on the computer. I've probably been spending too much time blogging at night and on the weekends.
Right now, I feel like I'm so busy that I can barely keep up with my blogs. The fall months are always a busy time and this year I've gotten swamped with blogging and consulting. It's a vicious cycle because as my blogs grew in traffic, consulting opportunities also grew. That's the nature of business. If you market yourself, then you'll gain customers.
So, as the new year approaches, I plan to make some significant changes to my extra-curricular activities. My wife is very important to me and I want to ensure that we have our quality time together. My children are getting older and I want to spend even more time with them.
If you also struggle with work/life balance issues, then I hope you'll reconsider your priorities as we prepare for the New Year. What do you need to change? Do you need to make sacrifices?
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