Learn More about Non-Clinical Jobs, Careers, and Opportunities:
- Read this introductory article, titled: "Non-Clinical Medical Opportunities for Physicians and Other Clinicians"
- No residency experience? Then you may want to start with this article, titled: "Jobs for Physicians with No Residency Experience"
- I encourage you to join other health care professionals who have an interest in non-clinical careers. You can join the free online network called the "Non-Clinical Healthcare Professionals" (currently with over 1,300 members) here: http://members.nonclinicaljobs.com
- Are you on Facebook? I invite you to join our Facebook fan page.
- Are you on LinkedIn? I invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn.
- Do you Twitter? Join me on Twitter (@DrJosephKim)
- New articles are posted daily and you have the option to subscribe to e-mails or to an RSS feed. Look for the "subscribe" section on the right column of the website.
- You'll see another section on the far right side of this website titled, "Topic Categories." This is where you can start to read articles written on specific topics such as pharma, medical communications, biotech, consulting, medical writing, etc.
- You can also use the section on the right titled, "Tag Cloud" to find articles on specific topics.
- The "Blog Archive" is also an easy place to find older articles.
- If you have a certain question or you're looking for a specific topic, then use the search box found on the upper right section of this site (under the banner image).
- Are you serious about making a career transition? Then you may wish to consider this special service: Finding a Non-Clinical Physician Career Coach who can Mentor You.
- I encourage you to visit this website frequently. Each day you visit my site, your traffic supports my writing. I don't ask for donations. I simply ask that you visit regularly and tell others about this resource.
- I also write about medicine, technology, and gadgets. Explore my other sites (navigate using the tabs at the top of the page).
- http://www.medicineandtechnology.com
- http://www.medicalsmartphones.com
- http://www.mobilehealthcomputing.com
- Finally, if you have a specific question for me, then I encourage you to contact me.