Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 1 of the HIMSS conference #HIMSS12

I always enjoy attending the HIMSS conference every year. In particular,  I find a wealth of innovation, creativity, and practical application when I speak with other attendees and exhibitors.  This is why I spend so much time in the exhibit hall.  Health IT is changing rapidly and we are seeing a number of organizations jumping into the sea of HIT. We are also seeing innovative start-up companies that are seeking to offer a new solution or build a "better mousetrap."

To connect with other physicians working in the health IT space,  make sure you use Twitter and other social media tools.  This is how I have been able to connect with so many other interesting individuals in the health IT industry. Today,  I am sitting in a room full of physicians who are here attending the Physicians' IT Symposium. I also plan to go downstairs to spend time in the Health IT Venture Fair & Strategic Partner Forum.

This week,  I will be providing coverage from the HIMSS conference on my other sites:

You  can also follow tweets by this hash tag #HIMSS12

HIMSS12 coverage is sponsored by HP. HP’s extensive portfolio of products, solutions, services and relationships can help your healthcare organization achieve quality business practices and provide quality patient care.

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