Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How can you earn a six figure income by blogging?

Many people ask why I'm such an active blogger. My answer is simple: I love what I blog about.

When you're writing about your hobbies and passions, it doesn't feel like a chore. Blogging can consume a significant amount of time on the weekends (that's when I mainly write), but it can also pay quite well if you have a targeted audience. That's where people almost fall out of their chairs when they hear how much you could make as a professional blogger. I personally know a number of bloggers who are generating a high six figure income just from blogging. You don't have to sell any products or services to generate that type of income. You can make money using a passive income strategy: advertisements.

For me, blogging has become a second career. Consider it one of my parallel careers.

Here's how much I've been making with my blogs:
  • From 2006-2008, I was not generating any revenue from my blogs. Blogging was a hobby, but it was not a business.
  • In 2009, I decided to generate revenue from my blogs so I split my content into 4 different websites and I joined the HCPLive network. I tested a number of other different revenue and advertising models to see what would generate the most income. By the end of 2009, I had made roughly $25k over a 6-month period.
  • In 2010, my blogging income reached six figures. I'm still actively testing a number of different revenue models so that I can effectively advise others about what works and what doesn't work.  
This year, I predict that my blogging income will be similar to 2010. I'm still making changes this year, but I'm diverting some time away from my blogs so that I can focus on business school (along with my new "Business School Blog" section on

You may be wondering whether you could turn blogging into a career. You can, but it will take some time to build traffic to your site. Plus, you need a business model that will provide a worthwhile return on your time investment. Blogging can be a great source of supplemental income as well. 

Over the next few months, stay tuned as I provide more tips about blogging. 


  1. holy smokes!
    i cant wait to learn more!

  2. I'm interested to hear about the ways you make money blogging on this. My approach has been similar to yours, but I started making money a bit earlier than you.

    There's certainly a lot of potential to make money blogging. I look forward to seeing you at HIMSS. I'm working on an initiative that I think will be of interest to you as far as monetizing your blog even better.
