Thursday, October 21, 2010

American Academy of Pediatrics: non-clinical career resources

The American Academy of Pediatrics is providing some non-clinical career resources to their members. One article is titled, "Transitioning to a Non-Clinical Career" and you can read it here.

You can view these Career Change resources here. Keep in mind that the AAP makes a disclaimer:
These resources have not been investigated by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). The AAP takes no responsibility for these resources.
Speaking of the AAP, I know a number of pediatricians (both men and women) who have pursued non-clinical careers. Some may continue to work clinically part-time, but many are now spending 100% of their working time doing something non-clinical. Some work from home as medical writers. Others may work for a pharmaceutical company or a biotechnology company. Some are now working for the FDA or a state health department.

What other type of work is out there? Here's an example of some of the jobs you'll find:
  • Administration
  • Consulting
  • Communications
  • Education—teaching, curriculum development
  • Entrepreneur
  • Financial Advisor
  • Government—Federal, state, or local
  • Illustrator--medical
  • Informatics
  • Insurance—health, disability, long-term care, life
  • Inventor--medical devices, IT
  • Media
  • Occupational Health
  • Pharma—development, marketing, sales, regulatory, safety
  • Recruiter
  • Writing

1 comment:

  1. Nice list Joe - thanks.

    I noticed something - it's time for more updated resources - most of the books on the AAP list are over 7 years old!

    Maybe it's time for a new book -- hmmm!!

    And for those physicians who have begun the search and feel overwhelmed, we have a 3-month program called The Physician Odyssey Program starting in Nov 2101 -- in case it might be helpful!
