Monday, April 26, 2010

Consulting workshops for physicians at BCG (Boston Consulting Group)

If you've been thinking about an alternative physician career in consulting, you may be interested in the upcoming Bridge to Consulting BCG Workshop. How many of you would like to work for BCG (Boston Consulting Group)?

These workshops are specifically for advanced degree candidates (PhDs, MDs, post-docs, and JDs) expecting to finish in 2011. If you are currently a practicing MD or in residency, or a post-doc, the 2011 graduation date requirement does not apply. For all Bridge applicants, we are looking for people interested in potentially starting a consulting career in 2011. This is a global program and open for full time candidates for our North America, Asia Pacific and European offices.

The workshops will occur over the summer. Here are the dates and locations:
  • July 8-9 in Boston office
  • July 22-23 in Chicago office
  • July 22-23 in New York office
  • July 29-30 in San Francisco office
Applications for Bridge to BCG will be accepted online until Friday, May 7, 2010. You can learn more here:

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