In general, physicians like to be self-sufficient and we don't like to ask for help. Some of you may be very miserable with your current career and perhaps you recognize the fact that you will quickly burn out or grow very unhappy with your career as the years go by.
Some people have the right skills and talents to easily transition from the clinical world to a non-clinical industry. Others may lack certain key skill sets and they may feel inadequate because they lack formal training in business, public health, informatics, etc. Do you really need an MBA or an MPH to make a successful transition into the non-clinical world? How strong is your CV? Is your resume getting thrown into the "discard" pile?
Maybe you've been on a few job interviews but you haven't gotten an offer. Perhaps you may benefit by getting some candid feedback about your interviewing skills. Need help negotiating your next salary?
A professional career coach can help in many areas. I work with several professionals to offer a variety of career coaching services for physicians who are interested in pursuing non-clinical careers in different sectors of health care such as the pharmaceutical industry, medical education, consulting, public health, etc. If you've been thinking about a career transition, maybe we can help. Learn more about some of our career services by clicking here.
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