Thursday, January 21, 2010

Top Interviewing Tips for the Bio-Pharma Industry

There's a nice article on BioSpace by Megan Driscoll (founder and current President of PharmaLogics Recruiting) titled, "Top Interviewing Tips for the Bio-Pharma Industry." She lists some practical advice for each of the 4 stages:
Part 1 - The Telephone Screen
Part 2 - The Face-to-Face Interview
Part 3 - The Scientific Presentation
Part 4 - The Offer Stage
I think that many of the principles she describes apply outside of the bio-pharma industry as well. For many practicing clinicians who have never worked outside of the clinical setting, these tips may not be so intuitive. If you're considering a career outside of clinical medicine and you've never gone through all 4 of the stages described above, then I'd encourage you to read the full BioSpace article that's here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, this is Megan Driscoll, the author of the article. I am always trying to reach out to scientists and help them learn the, "softer skills" necessary in developing one's career. I am open to hearing from folks who might want to work with me on some of my upcoming career workshops that I develop for the AAPS, BIO and other organizations. Reach out if you are interested:
