Monday, November 30, 2009

Did you network over Thanksgiving? (make sure to follow-up)

Were you proactive this Thanksgiving? Did you take advantage of the opportunity to talk with people and look for potential leads that may eventually lead to possible jobs? Well, if you didn't get a chance to talk with everyone, you now have a good excuse to follow up with those you may have seen across the room. Give them a call. Send an e-mail. Let these people know that you're actively considering a career transition (or maybe you're actively looking). Don't underestimate the power of your social network. These individuals may know people who can help you get a job.

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family. The day after Thanksgiving, my wife and I had to rush to the hospital to deliver a baby! I'm very grateful that we were able to enjoy Thanksgiving with everyone before going to the hospital.

You may be wondering why I'm such a strong proponent for social networking. There are two major reasons:
  1. Physicians in general tend to isolate themselves due to their busy schedules. As a result, they often neglect their social network.
  2. I've seen many career transition success stories that were ultimately dependent on a robust social network.

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