Sunday, November 15, 2009

Academy of Pharmaceutical Physicians and Investigators (APPI)

The Academy of Pharmaceutical Physicians and Investigators (APPI) is an organization that provides a host of resources for physicians who are in the pharmaceutical industry. They hold conferences, they provide education, and there are many membership benefits associated with the APPI. You can even achieve a certification as a Certified Physician Investigator (CPI). The APPI has a very close relationship with the Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP). Don't get that confused with the Association of Clinical Researchers and Educators (ACRE). The first few letters of the acronym are the same "ACR" but the last letter is a P instead of an E. Here's another interesting bit of trivia: The APPI used to be the American Academy of Pharmaceutical Physicians (AAPP).

Another organization that may be of interest is the International Federation of Associations of Pharmaceutical Physicians (IFAPP).

Membership for the APPI is $300/year and to join:

All pharmaceutical physicians and all physicians in good standing (MD, DO, MBBS, or equivalent degree) who, in addition to their other professional work, devote a substantial portion of their time to:
  • Performing studies of drugs, biologics, devices, vaccines or diagnostics
  • Activities related to research, development or regulation of these products
  • Teaching the subject of pharmaceutical medicine and who will uphold the policies of APPI and subscribe to its bylaws
To learn more about the APPI, visit:

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