The keywords "non clinical physician jobs" represents roughly 7% of my site traffic. Search engine traffic overall represents 28% of my site traffic. Physicians who are using search engines like Google or Yahoo are typing that phrase more than any other phrase. I don't see anyone typing "non clinical doctor jobs." We're doctors, but I think we prefer the term physician. I think that's the same for attorneys. They're lawyers, but they seem to prefer the term attorney. There's nothing wrong with the term "doctor" or "lawyer" but for some reason "physician" and "attorney" sounds better. Why? I have no idea.
Well, if you happened to stumble upon this site through a search engine, I hope you'll find what you're looking for. This site is meant to focus on non-clinical physician jobs, but I also write about non-clinical opportunities for other healthcare professionals such as pharmacists, nurses, NPs, PAs, researchers, psychologists, physical therapists, and many others. Thanks for visiting and I hope you'll visit frequently and tell others about this resource.
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